Getting your child vaccinated is the best way to protect their health and prevent severe illness. Many of these immunizations last a lifetime, but sometimes, children may need a 'booster' shot to help keep the protection long-lasting. Children have a developing immune system
when they are younger, so they are even more vulnerable to diseases and their potentially serious consequences.
Your child will usually start receiving their vaccinations at age 2 months.
Reliable Resources:
Vaccinations provide protection against disease at any age. Adults sometimes require booster shots to maintain immunity. Adults who were not adequately immunized as children may be at risk of infection from other diseases or they can also infect others. For example, adults who contract measles, mumps or pertussis (whooping cough) can infect infants who may not yet be fully immunized.
Are you up-to-date? Check following adult immunization resources:
Flu shots are vaccines which help protect against seasonal influenza. A new version of the vaccine is developed regularly as the influenza virus rapidly changes. While their effectiveness differs from year to year, most provide good protection against the flu. Please let your family doctor know if you received the flu shot elsewhere so that we can update our records.